Let’s work together to move
your roads up the curve.

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Discover our full range of pavement preservation treatments.

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A road map for long term road condition improvement.

A pavement deterioration curve has long been used by pavement managers to understand the rate at which asphalt deteriorates. A pavement’s place on the deterioration curve determines which treatments are likely to be optimal. Indus performs treatments along the entire treatment curve, and is able to help you explore which treatments will do the best job of making your pavement last longer while saving money.

Explore each spot on the asphalt deterioration curve to see which treatment can have the greatest impact.

To learn more about our process, click each treatment.

Type of care:

Recommended Treatment:

Routine Maintenance

Fog Seal | Crack Seal

Fog Seal Rejuvenator

Preventative Maintenace

Micro Surfacing | Crack Seal

Corrective Maintenance

Cape Seal | Hot Applied Mastics

Crack Seal


Cold In-place Recycling

Paver-Placed Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation

Case studies: Proof that this process works.

We have a long list of completed projects and a growing list of clients with multi-year improvement programs. We’ve learned something new from every single one. These case studies serve as the foundation for our expertise.
Read the studies