Five reasons you should consider scheduling our treatments early.

Five reasons you should consider scheduling our treatments early.


When you get early work done, pavement isn’t the only thing you preserve. You preserve your time and your budget with early roadwork. Here are our top reasons why early work is so important:

  1. Longer lasting – early-season work has 3 to 4 months of warm weather to cure before the onset of harsh winter weather typically resulting in more durable, longer-lasting treatments.
  2. Better pricing – reduce the risk of increasing liquid asphalt cement costs as the demand grows later in the season.
  3. Greater scheduling certainty – gives you more control because you’re at the front of the line.
  4. Stagger busy season work – preform Micro, CIR, and PPSFDR projects done before your hot mix projects start. Staggering road projects reduces disruption for your community.
  5. A win for taxpayers, while reflecting well on you and your department, making a better summer for all.