Introducing: Paver-Placed Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation.

Our latest treatment to the indus toolkit is Paver-placed Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation.    


But what does that mean? Let’s break it down: 

Paver-placed: The pavement is recycled and laid in one continuous motion using a self-propelled paver, with a minimum 10’ and maximum 20’ screed width. (This is the same process as Cold In-place Recycling) 

Stabilized: Foamed-liquid asphalt stabilizers are added to the pulverized existing material to create a long-lasting base which produces a structural benefit to the recycled layer. 

Full Depth Reclamation: A common and trusted treatment process for reclaiming roads in the range of 40 – 10 PCI.  



We felt there was a need for us to move in this direction as a duty to our clients and partners. With Cold In-place Recycling we were only able to recycle asphalt on roads with at least 3in of asphalt and could only go 6in deep. Now with PPSFDR, we can recycle both subbase and asphalt as deep as 8in.  


“We were looking for an alternative to traditional FDR that was less disruptive to our clients’ communities. We’re excited to be able to offer PPSFDR with the same equipment used on our CIR process that has already proven to be successful for our clients.” 

– Art Baker (Client Services Manager) 


In 2022, we worked with selective partners to hone this process before offering PPSFDR to all our clients. Here is what Paul Pacheco of Dartmouth, MA had to say about doing PPSFDR on one of his roads:  


“After doing Paver-Placed Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation for the first time, it far exceeded my expectations. Similar to Cold-In-Place recycling, there was very little disturbance to the residents. Additionally, the cost was about 10% less than a traditional FDR project and we performed structural testing that proved the recycled layer met the design strength.” 



So, what are the major benefits of this process versus a traditional FDR?  

  • This is a fully engineered process to recycle and reinstall in one continuous pass 
  • No windrows or motor graders are necessary 
  • Greatly reduces time and disruptions commonly found with traditional FDR 
  • Stabilizers add a structural benefit to the recycled layer 
  • Reduces Greenhouse Gass Emissions by 60% compared to traditional FDR 


Want to know more?  

You can watch the treatment video HERE
Download our sales sheet HERE
And send us a message HERE