What’s New.

Our relentless drive to deliver means we’re always working on new ways to surpass the status quo. Here’s where you’ll find the most up-to-date collection of the projects we’re working on, the technologies we’re developing, and the communities that we’re helping along the way.

Winners Hit The Road

Sometimes, executing a sound pavement preservation strategy at home becomes a model for the entire country – and other countries, as well. That’s exactly what happened to the town of Fairfield, CT, after it won the 2017 Excellence in Pavement Preservation Award for North America from the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA). Industry leaders in…
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Micro-Surfacing Certified

Sealcoating, Inc. (now indus) was recently honored to become the first company in the world to complete the AASHTO TSP-2 company certification process for slurry systems including micro surfacing. As pavement preservation programs continue to grow across the country, industry professionals have become increasingly focused on improving the quality of the treatments being placed. The…
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New Industry Resource

indus is proud to support the recently launched website, RoadResource.org, a comprehensive resource designed to assist and encourage progressive pavement managers at all levels of government. Created as a collaborative effort of the Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA), RoadResource.org is dedicated to the member credo, “Better roads today. Stronger networks tomorrow.” The Treatment Toolbox…
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