Kicking off the 2020 CIR Season with MassDOT
In May 2020, indus began working with MassDOT to rehabilitate a segment of Route #1A in Revere. This project marks the beginning of indus’ fourth season of Cold In-place Recycling (CIR). CIR is a long-lasting and cost-effective solution for renewing pavements in poor condition. The process, which eliminates cracking and other distresses up to 5 inches deep, is generally used in lieu of deeper mill-and-fills or full depth reclamation (FDR).
In a webinar on May 7, 2020, indus discussed how CIR saves money and substantially reduces greenhouse gas emission by reusing existing aggregate and asphalt cement materials. For every CIR job, indus uses a project-specific mix design to determine the amount of new strengthening agents that are added to the recycled mix, creating a pavement layer nearly three times stronger, per inch of thickness, than unstabilized FDR.
By recycling a full lane width in one continuous operation at a rate of 1 to 2 miles per day, the CIR process is considerably less disruptive to traffic, neighboring businesses and residents. After adjusting utility structures back to grade, the CIR layer on Route #1A will be covered by a 1.25” HMA wearing course. This innovative recycling solution is expected to add about 15 years of new life to the roadway.