When it comes to the best innovation, sometimes disruption is a good thing. Pavement preservation is one of those areas where disruption is just that — a disruption to unmitigated decay. Reactionary repairs such as pothole patching and removing and replacing pavements can be costly and cause unwanted safety concerns for communities. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has uncovered some findings that conclude timely, proactive maintenance can slow pavement deterioration and substantially reduce costs.
Historically, many agencies have used patching or mill-and-fill as their “go to” solutions for asphalt repairs. But as asphalt costs have soared and budgets have remained relatively stagnant, pavement managers have been forced to look for more cost-efficient alternatives. Utilizing preventive maintenance treatments before the onset of more serious pavement damage has proven to be a winning strategy.
Crack & Fog Seals, Slurry or Chip Seals, Micro Surfacing and Thin/Ultra-thin Overlays are all preventive maintenance alternatives designed to slow the rate of pavement decay and avoid more costly repairs. When these treatments are applied while roads are still in good to fair condition, the evidence points to some pretty attractive benefits for your community. Implementing a proactive maintenance program with these treatments can:
- Extend the useful life of the pavement surface
- Make the most effective use of available funds
- Reduce the frequency of disruptive and costly repairs
— and who doesn’t want more of that?
In an industry that’s both time and budget sensitive, indus makes it our business to provide you with innovative solutions and information as we discover them. This video from the USDOT Federal Highway Administration is one of those resources we feel can support your efforts to do good work, on time, and help you stay within your budget.