Micro Surfacing:
A functional facelift

that extends road
life by up to 9 years.

Micro Surfacing helps you keep good roads, well, good.

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Keep more of your roads near the top of the curve with Micro Surfacing.

Consider Micro Surfacing when a road is showing early signs of oxidation and age-related fatigue, but not yet in need of mill and fill or other more major (and costly) repair.

Benefits of Micro Surfacing

  • Extends road life by 6 to 9 years
  • Improves skid resistance and uniformity of appearance
  • Treated roads can be opened quickly to traffic
  • Low raw material requirements and preventive maintenance action reduce overall life-cycle costs
"I have been a Micro Surfacing client with indus for several years and am very happy with the durability it provides. The winter of 2017/2018 was very tough on several of my unprotected asphalt roads due to the countless freeze/thaw cycles. The roads we micro surfaced stood up extremely well to the harsh winter conditions and showed no further signs of deterioration."