Turn poor pavement into great pavement with
Cold In-place Recycling

Cold In-place Recycling permanently fixes what mill and fill can’t.

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Cold In-place Recycling: A great way to bring poor roads back to the top of the curve.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective, environmentally friendly way to repair a poor road with reduced traffic and neighborhood disruption, look to Cold In-place Recycling.

Benefits of Cold In-place Recycling

  • Up to half the cost of traditional total reconstruction methods
  • Reuses 100% of existing material and lowers greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%
  • Faster construction times compared with conventional reclamation or reconstruction
  • Longer lasting than shallow mill and fill, and extends road life by 15 to 20 years
"The Town of Milford has been using the Cold In-place Recycling with foamed asphalt process provided by indus since 2018. We find it most beneficial on our heavy traffic, commercial roadways where construction disruptions must be kept to a minimum. The treatment has allowed us to recycle deeper than traditional mill & fill at a comparable cost while eliminating distresses up to 5” deep. By adding a 1.5” HMA wearing surface, it increases the structural capacity of the road, and we have not found any reflective cracking after 5 years unlike a mill & fill. When we have a road that has good structure but a surface that is beyond preservation, we’ve found Cold In-place Recycling to provide the best value."